Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Jesuit Missions (Chiquitania)

Four of us from the Language Institute went to visit the Jesuit Missions that they opened up in the 17th Century outside of Santa Cruz, Bolivia. They were famous for enculturating the native people, using a mixture of their customs, and the Catholic religion. They were very successful. However, due to European politics, the Jesuits were suppressed, and the Franciscans took over the missions. Here we are in front of the Mission San Ana (in the jungle . . . we saw a lot of wildlife).

We were blessed to visit these missions during the very important feast days of All Saints & Dia de los Difuntos! They really clean up, repair and decorate the cemeteries these days!

Here is an example of some of the wildlife we encountered. Besides the tarantula & rattlesnake pictured below, we saw thousands of parrots, toucans, turkey like things, wild ostriches (piyos), caymans (alligators), bats, sloth and more.

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